Financial capability is the ability to manage your money well by planning and saving for the future, and to build financial resilience for times of difficulty.
It also gives people the power and confidence to make the most of their money and improve their lives.
Financial capability is not just about what you know it is what you are willing to do about it. Take charge and empower yourself
What we offer
The support is free and will consist of:
12 Financial Capability Interactive workshops a year these sessions will cover various topics such as budgeting, savings, debt, loans, planning for life events and much more…
Our workshops are 100% impartial, and we will not be promoting any financial products. Our aim is to help ethnic minority people develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours they need to manage their money well in a fun and engaging way!
One to One Support
One to one support and guidance for ethnic minority individuals increasing their financial skills & knowledge towards helping them to set achievable financial goals.
Our one to one support is not a debt advice service! However if you are worried about debt and need immediate assistance we can signpost you to a choice of free, impartial and confidential money advice services within your area

Access to free interactive financial capability workshops throughout the year
Improved skills, knowledge and understanding on how you manage your money & build financial resilience for the future
Have more confidence in dealing with your own finances
Free Resources
From all the events we have run, you can make use of many videos we have put together, plus, in the near future, a podcast you will be able to follow.