Race Equality

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How do we overcome that barrier of deeply ingrained, systemic racism?

In December 2022, the Scottish Government published an anti-racist employment strategy as a response to the former EHRCJ’s inquiry on Race Equality, Employment and Skills (2019/20). in 2020. As a contributor to the strategy and witnessing the elaborate and deep probing conversations on how this should be delivered, it has been a pleasure [...]

By |2024-05-29T13:03:09+01:00May 29th, 2024|R4HR|0 Comments

Human Rights and Employability?

At the beginning of March, we delivered our human rights and recruitment training to 25 participants ranging from a multitude of public bodies and third sector organisations. The aim of this training was for participants to understand that human rights and recruitment aren’t far removed from each other and [...]

By |2024-05-29T11:37:12+01:00May 29th, 2024|R4HR|0 Comments