What a FANTASTIC start to the first group of young people on CEMVO Scotland’s YCC Programme funded by Big Lottery Young Start.
The ‘YCC League’, joined together for their first day on the programme at Glasgow’s prestigious Grand Central Hotel.
After an invigorating induction from the YCC Co-ordinator Surbjit Dhillon, and insights into the Royal Air Force by Flight Lieutenant S Warren and Sergeant J Allen. We had an inspiring 15 minutes from Mentor Gurjit Singh Lalli.
The day was then topped off with Radiant and Brighter breaking down barriers for these dynamic young aspiring leaders from the Pakistani, Indian, Roma, Chinese and African Communities.
Some of the comments from the day:-
“I have learned to believe in myself!”
“Fantastically organised!”
I learned “How to turn barriers into opportunities”
“Very motivational, inspirational”
If you want to join the next group of 15 young people on the group, please call Surbjit on 0141 248 4830 or email surbjitdhillon@cemvoscotland.org.uk