Ethnic Minority Development Fund (EMDF)
Area: Scotland
Suitable for: Ethnic minority-led third sector organisations
Funding size: £500 to £15,000
When does the fund launch this year? Wednesday the 12th February 2025 at 9am
Application deadline: Monday the 14th of April 2025 at 5:00pm
The Ethnic Minority Development Fund (EMDF) is available to any ethnic minority-led third-sector organisations in Scotland.
Applicants to the Ethnic Minority Development Fund (EMDF) must be ‘ethnic minority-led’ and have at least sixty percent representation of people from an ethnic minority background on their board, management team and in decision-making roles.
Your organisation or group has an annual income of £ 100,000- or less.
A Community Interest Company (C. I. C.) has to be operating for at least six months to apply for the Ethnic Minority Development Fund (EMDF).
The EMDF has been developed in partnership between CEMVO Scotland and The National Lottery Community Fund.
Organisations interested in applying to the EMDF will be required to submit an application that must do at least one of the following: –
Bring ethnic minority people together and build strong relationships across communities
Help more ethnic minority people to be the best they can be, by supporting them as soon as possible
Improve places and spaces that matter to ethnic minority communities
Organisations can apply for up to a minimum of £500 up to a maximum of £15,000 for their project idea.
How to apply
You can make an application to the EMDF by using one of the application forms below. There is a standard application form as well as an Accessible version application form available.
Forms are available for download since February 12th at 9:00am.
Please note we will only accept applications in the formats provided.
We are aware that not all PDF viewing software will let you fill the application forms. We know that the last version of Adobe Reader will work (download it here. If you want it for a particular operating system, you can choose here.)
If you have accessibility issues please get in touch with us.
- Once the form has been downloaded, please save it on your computer to work on, or risk losing information.
- Signing the form digitally is sufficient; there is no need for printing, signing and scanning the form.
We will try to tell you our decision as soon as possible, this usually will take around 18 weeks.
Send your completed application via Post
CEMVO Scotland (EMDF),
95-107 Lancefield Street
G3 8HZ
Send your completed application via Email
Who can apply
You can apply if your organisation is a:
Unregistered voluntary or community organisation (constituted)
Constituted group or club
Not for profit company
Registered charity (unincorporated)
Charitable incorporated organisation (SCIO)
Community interest company (CIC)
Faith based group (like a mosque, gurdwara, temple, church, synagogue etc.)
Who we can’t accept applications from
Sole traders
Companies that can pay profits to directors, shareholders or members (including Companies Limited by Shares)
Organisations based outside of Scotland
Organisations that have already sent a Ethnic Minority Development Fund application and are waiting for a decision
Organisations that don’t have at least two people on their board or committee who aren’t married, in a long-term relationship, living together at the same address, or related by blood
One organisation applying on behalf of another. Be careful of businesses or consultants who say they can support you with your funding applications. They might even say they’re acting on the Fund’s behalf, or they’re a preferred supplier of the Fund. They could even offer to write an application for you. We wouldn’t accept applications from these types of businesses or consultants. But you can get support and advice on writing your application from your local CVS (your local council for voluntary services).
If you’d like a comprehensive checklist to ensure you’re eligible, click here to download the Pre-Funding Application Checklist.
If you’re not sure if you can apply, please contact us.
The projects we fund
A good application must do at least one of these three things:
Bring ethnic minority people together and build strong relationships across communities
Help more ethnic minority people to be the best they can be, by supporting them as soon as possible
Improve places and spaces that matter to ethnic minority communities
Your project also has to involve your community
We believe that people understand what’s needed in their communities better than anyone. So it’s important to us that you involve your community in the design, development and delivery of the activities you’re planning.
What can you spend money on?
This list doesn’t include everything. So, if you’re not sure, contact us.
We can fund:
one-off events
small land or building projects (but make sure you own the land or building, have a lease that can’t be ended for five years, have a letter from the owner saying the land or building will be leased to you for at least five years, or an official letter from the owner or landlord that says you’re allowed to do work on the building) – you should also think about getting planning permission for the work too.
staff costs
training costs
utilities/running costs
volunteer expenses
We can’t fund:
contingency costs, loans, endowments or interest
electricity generation and feed-in tariff payments
political or religious activities
profit-making/fundraising activities
VAT you can reclaim
statutory activities
overseas travel
Support available
Funding support sessions
CEMVO Scotland is inviting you to attend one of the funding support sessions which will allow you to:
- Find out more about the EMDF fund
- Learn how to write successful funding applications
- Hear about common pitfalls & what to do instead
- Ask us any questions you might have
The Funding Support Workshops will take place on:
- Wednesday 26th of February 10:00am
- Monday 17th of March at 10:00am
- Tuesday 1st of April at 10:00
This is a great opportunity to learn in more detail about the EMDF fund, speak to us directly and ensure you are in the strongest position to secure funding for your project.
To sign up for a session click here: CEMVO EventBrite
Project & application feedback
If you would like to speak to us about your project and its eligibility for the EMDF Fund, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: emdf@cemvoscotland.org.uk. We are also offering informal feedback and advice on draft funding applications. We have limited capacity in relation to this and will prioritise small, grassroots and new groups/organisations. This is available until 1st of April.